I’m on YouTube

Hey lovelys,

I’m on YouTube! 🙂 I’m in love with closeups, as you might noticed, so I thought I’ll share a different kind of food diary with you!
This is my bunnys’ food diary!

I’d be very happy, if you’d take a look at the video!

Words on books

I’ve been a reader nearly all my life. I’ve always loved the many different stories and all the magic written down on every page. Some nights, I couldn’t go to sleep, because a book kept me awake. And it was amazing.

And after a few years of just reading, I discoverd my love for writing. Imagining all these different stories makes me happy. I’ve written many pages, some are just beginnigs of potential books or some basic ideas, but some of them are a real whole story. And it gives me great pleasure, when I finally write the last word of a magical story.

The most things I read or write are fantasy stories, packed with fairies, wizards, vampires and many more supernatural creature. But the older I became, the more thrillers and psychic novels catched my attention. And discovering this whole new genre is amazing.

Books as a whole are just simply astonishing!

How about you? Are a reader or a writer? Or maybe both like me?

The first sotterday

Not sure, if you can tell, but I love otters. ❤ And looking at pictures of otters makes me indescribably happy. 🙂 So I wanted to share the happiness and start a new category on my blog.
Its the sotterday. 😀 Every saturday I’ll share pics of otters with you, I’ve found on the internet.

So for this saturday, I want to show you this cute baby otter. ❤

Have a nice weekend. 🙂



Baby rabbit

Gosh, look at this cute picture. *-* Rabbits in general are really cute, but this baby bunny just makes my heart ache!

Have you ever been lucky enough to make the experience of seeing a baby animal grow up? 🙂

Bee on flower

I shot this picture a few months ago, when it was still warm outside. I really love it, because it’s so unbelievable detailed. I can’t wait, until it’s finally getting warmer and I’ll be able to shoot colourful nature pictures again. 🙂

What do you think about the picture? What are your favorite pictures to take?